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Monday, 23 March 2015

Making Lollipop icon in Illustrator CC

In this tutorial I am going to make a Player Icon in Google latest Material Design.
Follow these step
1) Create a circle using ellipse tool by holding down Alt+Shit key

2) Now give it a colour using Material Design palette and remove the stroke. If you don't have  Material Design palette you can download it from here  Download Material Palette

3) Draw a line using line tool while holding down shift key and align in middle of the circle

4) Now select both and apply divide by using Pathfinder tool. Window>pathfinder

5) Now Ungroup and select upper half circle and give it a darker colour from material palette and group them.

6) Make a triangle and place in centre of  circle 

7) Almost done, last step to go. Now using pen tool make shadow of triangle start from corner of triangle and complete. Now give the shadow a nice colour. Done :)

Remember to give your opinion :)